money stock - перевод на русский
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money stock - перевод на русский

Money Supply; Monetary aggregate; Monetary aggregates; Money with zero maturity; Money to Zero Maturity; Money stock; Money stocks; Money of zero maturity; Money of Zero Maturity; Money with Zero Maturity; Money Zero Maturity; Money zero maturity; Monetary exchange equation; M4 money supply; Monetary Aggregates; M3 monetary aggregate; M2 monetary aggregate; M1 monetary aggregate; M0 monetary aggregate; Increase in money supply; Money in circulation; M2 (economics); M1 (economics); M3 (economics); Supply of money; M0 (economics); Quantity of money; M1 (money supply measure); Stock of money; Circulating supply; Supply of Money
  • China M2 money supply vs USA M2 money supply
  • Individual Consumer Loans at All Commercial Banks, 1990–2008
  • HKD vs USD over the year
  • Components of the money supply of [[India]] in billions of [[Rupee]] for 1950–2011
  • CPI]]
  • M0, M1 and M3. US-GDP and M3 of Eurozone for comparison. Logarithmic scale.
  • thumb
  • pounds sterling]].
  • The [[euro]] money supplies M0, M1, M2 and M3, and euro zone GDP from 1980–2021. Logarithmic scale.
  • [[Japan]]ese money supply (April 1998 – April 2008)
  • [[New Zealand]] money supply 1988–2008
  • publisher=St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank}}</ref>
  • U.S.]] M3 money supply as a proportion of [[gross domestic product]].

money stock         
денежная масса, сумма денег в обращении (включая банковские депозиты); запас денег
money supply         
денежная масса, сумма денег (в обращении), количество денег
monetary aggregate         
совокупность элементов денежной массы, денежный агрегат


money supply
The money supply is the total amount of money in a country's economy at any one time. (BUSINESS)
They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.
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Money supply

In macroeconomics, the money supply (or money stock) refers to the total volume of currency held by the public at a particular point in time. There are several ways to define "money", but standard measures usually include currency in circulation (i.e. physical cash) and demand deposits (depositors' easily accessed assets on the books of financial institutions). The central bank of a country may use a definition of what constitutes legal tender for its purposes.

Money supply data is recorded and published, usually by a government agency or the central bank of the country. Public and private sector analysts monitor changes in the money supply because of the belief that such changes affect the price levels of securities, inflation, the exchange rates, and the business cycle.

The relationship between money and prices has historically been associated with the quantity theory of money. There is some empirical evidence of a direct relationship between the growth of the money supply and long-term price inflation, at least for rapid increases in the amount of money in the economy. For example, a country such as Zimbabwe which saw extremely rapid increases in its money supply also saw extremely rapid increases in prices (hyperinflation). This is one reason for the reliance on monetary policy as a means of controlling inflation.

Примеры произношения для money stock
1. in the context of the increase in the money stock
Примеры употребления для money stock
1. The strong growth of the money stock in recent months has presented the ECB‘s governing council with a perfect opportunity to raise interest rates.
2. Rapid accumulation of foreign, largely dollar, reserve holdings by the People‘s Bank of China, China‘s central bank, as a consequence of support for the RMB could boost the growth of the money stock, with the accompanying risk of triggering upward pressure on inflation and a general overheating of the Chinese economy.
3. Ekonomi Vitrini Production has been preparing economic programs for TV channels and presentation films for both the public and the private sectors. «Economy Vision» addresses the middle and upper class and has been broadcast nonstop for seven years. «The Route of Money» is produced for Channel TV and especially addresses the upper class, watched by people interested or working with money, stock exchanges, banks and company management. «The Export Stars» has a different concept and introduces Turkish businessmen to foreign markets.